Sunday, July 30, 2006

Writer's block...

I've been sitting at my console trying desperately to write another entry for my blog but words seem to be eluding me for some reason."WHAT the bloody hell...", I say to myself, "ME, Gerard Singh...at a loss for words?".Impossible...or IMPOSSIBIBLE as TIGGER (T-I-double-Guh-Rrr!That spells Tigger!) would say!YES YES...I think all fathers have done the entire WINNIE THE POOH thingy with their kids...ha ha.Anyway, I guess I'm starting to understand just a little bit about that woeful condition called 'WRITER'S BLOCK'!I've not just been having problems writing for my blog but also completing lyrics for songs that I've composed for the album with my band BIG GAME.We've almost finished 'TRACKING' the instrumentation (for those of you unfamiliar with recording term, it simply means we are almost done recording all the musical instruments to the songs), all that's left is to lay down the vocal tracks.Unfortunately...like I mentioned earlier, I've encountered this wall in the middle of my road to completion.It's too high to climb over and too wide to go around.Funny though...nouns, verbs, adjectives and all the other mechanics of lingo, I still have no problem with at all!!It's 'SUBJECT MATTER' that's making me bite my nails!When I got up this morning I tried sitting down at my desk with a hot cup of MILO (I've stopped drinking coffee for quite a while), paper, pencil and a minus-one CD of the original songs I've been trying to finish playing on my hi-fi.Still all I got was maybe 4 or 5 lines for one song.Now I'm at the PC trying despertely to write an entry for my blog and I draw a complete blank!Ha ha...in fact the only thing I can think to write about is my inability to do so!Maybe I should take my own advice and just appreciate SILENCE since I have nothing of consequence to write about.Yeah right!!!Wishful thinking on your part...the one thing you're never gonna get from me is SILENCE!!"But...what about the previous blog entry?", you ask yourself.Ha ha...I only have one thing to say...that's right, DO AS I SAY...DON'T DO AS I DO!!!Ha ha ha...seriously though, this DEBILITATING DISEASE I'm experiencing right now is so frustrating.It's been occupying too much of my mind coz I've desperately been trying to analyze the situation.Could it be I've been pushing myself too hard?Ha ha...I don't think so, since time immemorial I've believed in practising the whole 'Work smart not hard' campaign.Maybe I'm just too tired?Not a chance...working only 3 nights a week has given me ample opportunity to catch up on some much needed 'shut-eye' (I don't mean to rub it in coz I know some of you guys don't get as much rest but I sometimes clock 10 hours a day!).Gosh...it just hit me!Must be the lack of alcohol.YES that must be it!I've been working in the pubs/clubs only 3 nights a week the past month that I've not been meeting my quota of alcohol consumption.Ha ha...don't you guys think it's amazing how certain things are there, staring at you right in the face and still you fail to notice them until it's too late.Thank God it's not too late for me!You people have a great day and God bless you all.I'm going out for lunch now...after which, I'm gonna make a short pit stop at the neighbourhood convenience store and stock up on some BLACK GOLD!!!That's Guinness to the uninitiated...cheers!
Gerard Singh


  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Gerard Singh said…

    Think of my predicament as a 'thought impediment'. I don't think when I don't drink!!One other thing, it's impossible to breathe in and breathe out when you've got black gold oozing down your throat Jelene...ha ha ha.


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