Monday, October 30, 2006

Innuendo ...

I have said that I do prefer people to speak their minds but after much thought, I have come to realize that that only applies to certain situations. When you have a certain point to get across, it's always best not to mince your words too much. Also, tact must be employed to a certain degree when dealing with another's feelings. That has been dealt with in a previous blog entry and that's not what I want to talk about this time around.

There is this game of 'wits' that people play with each other, especially when there's an attraction involved! It has all the allure of the proverbial apple in the garden of Eden. It has been played by the best of them over the centuries and it is still being played today. I choose to call it INNUENDO. It's the art of not being obvious, of saying and doing just enough to peek another's interest. Even in the dictionary, the meaning of the word is elusive. Look under INNUENDO and you will be told to refer to another word ... INSINUATE, which means to insert gradually or craftily and/or to hint artfully. A 'gradual insertion', in a certain context ... does sound like a lot of fun after all! Ha ha ... that would explain why millions of people spend hours upon hours of their lives perfecting their game. Like a 'hunt' ... it has always been about the thrill of the chase. Two prize fighters circling each other, not wanting the other to know exactly what the next move would be.

Once again technology has given mankind new avenues to take things to higher levels of playability. The computer and internet AND ALSO, the cellphone and text messaging. These two pairs have been responsible for taking the game to heights never possible before. Instant messaging, e-mailing, text messaging and the like have achieved almost 'art' like status. People are not even restricted by distance anymore ... in fact to many, distance has become THE comfort zone. When playing over great distances, the 'hunt' lasts even longer ... 'sweetening' the play and strategem. Some games have been known to last for years but some end almost immediately after they start. Players range in size, age, colour, gender, sexual preference and even marital status. Anyone can play anyone these days! You can be anyone you choose to be in the game and you can play the game with anyone at all, and with as many as you like ... and you never even have to meet!

People toy with each other all the time in the game and once you get caught in its web, it feels like that habit you always want to give up but never really can. It consumes you like a hungry beast. It almost always sends a thrill down your spine and you shiver with the anticipation of your opponent's next move. Waiting for that response, the reply to your message ... for a sign that the game is still ON! You spend your days cooking up new strategies to advance to the next level but always in the back of your mind ... you do not want to be too obvious! You take it to bed with you at night ... trying to think of your next play as you fall asleep. That is the game after all ... and it's all about keeping the butterflies in your tummy. Some have even progressed to levels where their senses are so acute that they almost know if the game they're going to play will be a good one. Like grand masters of chess ... they are always on the look out for worthy opponents. Opponents who will take them to the limits of their ability ... and sometimes even leave them out to dry when they lose.

I believe all of us go thru our lives playing the game to some degree and honing our gaming skills as we progress. A flirtatious look, a suggestive word or gesture can get us into all sorts of situations, some we don't want to get into but most we do. Some of us play the game to escape, some play out of boredom and some actually play for the love of the game. Whichever group you belong to, there is no denying the fact that the game is addictive, because the game is FUN. Having said that, I must say that I do dip my hand into the cookie jar every now and again, it is after all a deviously delicious use of free time ... :o)

Gerard Singh


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